Monday, January 12, 2009

This weekend was the Bike swap in Madison. I gave all my stuff to JLS becasue i coundn't get there that early and he sold most of it right off the bat, which was nice. So made some money there. It seemed like not alot of people were moving anything and people were hagguling over the price of stuff like crazy. For example: brand new crank set for $10 and the guy wanted only to pay $8 for it and it was like its only two bucks man. Other then that not too much went on. Did a 4 hour trainer ride saturday. 
Sunday went to nordic to go ski and it was amazing. I have never been there to ski before only to run and hike but it was really nice. Great day with the sun out for a little bit and mild temps it was a great day. 
Whats in store for this week: Really cold temps, more trainer time, and thats about it. My life is super exciting right now. 


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