Saturday, January 03, 2009

So its been two weeks since i skied. Not to happy about that but getting a decent amount of riding in other wise. currently its 32 degrees and raining which does not help the fact that i really want to ski. Anyways away from the skiing rant build 1 training is going really well. Had a good long ride today and the motivation is so for not a problem on those over 3 hour trainer rides.

With some other news we got our puppy this week. I drove down to the P's to pick her up.

Josie is my name, don't wear it out.

Finding out that owning a 7 week old dog is very time consuming. with the early morning trips outside and the constant attention, its like having a kid but they don't want a car when they get older. I'm sure i will have tons of updates with her in them.


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