Monday, June 25, 2007

Three Day of UWW Races

Crater's lunge for the line to get kyle, and Kip got me at the line.

The one lap were the field was still together.

Start of the RR where Ajer took off with a bang.

Kyle and myself in the break on Saturday.

Break in the park.

Coming around the first turn.

At the start when the field was together.

UWW Omnium
TT- 4th
RR- 7th
Overall- 3rd
The third overall might look weird with the placing of three races but not everyone did all three races.
So the weekend was really fun, a little worn out but a good time. The TT on friday was awesome but i forgot my check book and cash so had to wait for the p's to come and i ended up starting almost a hour and a half later then i wanted to. The new bike was solid and was one of the best TT i have done in a long time, my time did not show how good i felt.
Kyle J and myself got into a break saturday in the crit and was in that break for 45 min. The race remined me of snake alley with out the really big climb but no place to really rest.
Saturday Jordan and Dan went off the front and i just sat in watching Crater and Kyle and went with a couple of attacks but nothing really happened. I tried to take a flyer but Kip got on my wheel right away both of the times. We had an awesome GDVC train at the end for me and i think i went a little to early but came around jason and ended up getting 5th in the field.
All and all a good weekend, sorry to hear about JLS's bad luck yesterday and braking his helment but not from racing.
Throwing around going to proctor next weekend but not sure yet.

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