Monday, May 21, 2007

Still Alive

The critics looking at the nice wheel.

After the race with the nice spokeless wheel, not really spokeless just less then there was when i started the race.

Sorry about not having a post for well like two weeks. Alot has happened in the last two weeks. Lets see i gradumunated from college and moved to Verona with this really hot chick. Did some racing, got my ass a little kicked, got a front wheel messed, that last one is a long story.

Some how i was able to ride a front wheel with five spokes that were taken out by another guys bike and didn't taco it.

Any ways heading down to IA this weekend to have some fun in a really big field. Hey everyone it will be my first practice crit of the year tomorrow night, lets cross our fingers for no crashes or idiots.

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