Saturday, March 03, 2007

Getting ready

so yesterday i spent most of the afternoon getting my Madone all ready for NC, which is coming up this week. I decided to ride the bike over the week so my ass can get used to the extremly hard saddle i have on it, but remember its light. I also weighted my bike afterwards, it was a nice 18lbs with the heavier cranks.
I have been gettting in some good riding hours the last few weeks, but this week i sort of caught a head cold so its been rough doing 4+ hour rides when you can't breath through your nose.
A side note i saw this on pez and thought it was an awesome two in one combo.

You can ride and drink all in one. So you can put in and burn cal. at the same time.

Other than that, thats all i got. I will try to update before we leave on thursday but other than that i will post a whole lot of stuff when i get back.

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