Friday, November 03, 2006

Off Season Training

Well i think my trainer season is apon me. i rode the trainer last night for about two hours and my legs felt a little wierd. Even though it is sunny out it is still cold and very winding here in Platteville, or some people like to call p-vegas. In between the short time i am on the bike i go and run and lift. My lifting isn't really all that much just lot of legs and core. I feel really good about this winters training and hopefully my good base building right now and just generally taking it easy will pay off big time next season. Also i renewed my USCF licence yesterday and man are they jacking the price up on them, i also renewed my NORBA licence so i can race expert in WORS next year and not feel like i am sandbagging so much.
For all of you that have gotten on the trainer this week or last don't feel bad it will pay off in the long run.

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