Friday, April 10, 2009

Still alive

Well heres proof that i'm still here and racing. well this is also when i got dropped and popped hard core, Casey did a good job of dropping me and helping with the confidence this season so far. Well its the season of pain all over again.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Well with no blogging going on means not a whole alot of anything happening. the only real thing to report was last weekends first 5.5 ride of the year with t-bender.  but other then that not a much going on, except relentless peer presure from certain indiviauls trying to get me to do the Birkie this weekend. Well sorry gents not going to happen, almost said what the hell earlier in the week but just don't feel like it. So i will make a promise for next year to do Babger State and get a better wave position and be set to race it. Hope thats good enough. 
Other news is that we are going to get snow tonight and tomorrow which is not sitting well with me or any cyclist in the area because the roads have been pretty good. Yes i know that its still winter but i still want to bitch. Have a good weekend. 


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 02, 2009

Looking like its going to be good weather for this weekend. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Venting time:

went skiing last night to a local madison area that will be nameless and it totally sucked on half of the trails. they buy a new groomer for this and its like trying to ski on speed bumps, it sucked hard yeah hard. Sort of pissed. 

Other than that it was a good two hour ski. 
Thursday me and lady are going down to my old stomping gounds and doing a little boarding and xc skiing. Dad talked us into it when he said free tickets, i'm up for free anything. Other news is that we found out that our dog might be a big wimp. she saw her sister this weekend and they were playing and was trying to be all that and got scared really easily, sort of funny. Until next time